Tips Wanted

Tips Wanted

The Lyndhurst Police Department is always looking for tips. There are several avenues in which you may submit a tip to our agency. Our Anonymous Tip Line is not equipped with call identification technology, and your call will not be traced. You may call the Anonymous Tip Line at (201) 804-9346 and leave a voice message with any information that you are willing to provide. This phone line will always be answered by an automated voice prompt. For all emergency calls and crimes in progress ALWAYS Dial 9-1-1. In addition, you can submit a tip anonymously through our Township’s OEM mobile app. This application is a free download on both the Apple app store and on Google play for Android devices. Through this application, you can also provide your contact information, should you wish to do so. In addition, you can attach up to three image files related to your tip on the fillable form should you desire. Lastly, you can e-mail tips to:

Any information provided is greatly appreciated, and your assistance makes a difference. If you see something, hear something, say something! You can make a difference.